

今天,位于中国上海的生物医药公司礼进生物宣布公司完成3000万美元的B轮融资。本次融资由通和毓承领投,其他投资方包括Winfair Global和润瓴资本。原有投资者Morningside Ventures也参与了本轮投资。

礼进生物由前艾伯维肿瘤研发资深科学家王结义博士于2016年创立,王结义博士在雅培/艾伯维工作二十二年,拥有丰富的抗癌新药及肿瘤免疫研发经验。礼进生物致力于发明创造拥有自主知识产权, 针对肿瘤等重大疾病的新药。其拥有世界领先的交联抗体技术平台以及优化刺激性抗体,尤其是其独有的xLinkAb(交联抗体)技术能够有选择性地激活肿瘤微环境特定受体,减少正常组织免疫副反应。公司重点研发世界领先的肿瘤免疫激活性抗体和癌症免疫组合治疗,以期可以提高癌症病人长期生存率。目前礼进生物抗PD-1人源化单克隆抗体SSI-361已授权安科生物开发中国市场。






July 16th 2018, Shanghai, China.

Lyvgen Biopharma, a biotechnology company developing novel immunotherapies based in Shanghai, today announced the completion of a USD $30 million Series B funding round. 6 Dimensions Capital led this round of financing, with participation from Winfair Global, Runling Capital and existing Series A investor Morningside Ventures.

Lyvgen was founded in 2016 by Dr. Jieyi Wang, who most recently served as the Senior Principal Research Scientist at AbbVie. Dr. Wang brings over 22 years of experience from Abbott and AbbVie, and is a seasoned veteran in oncology and immunotherapy research. With Lyvgen’s industry leading cross-link antibody (xLinkAb) platform and co-stimulation agonist antibodies, the company is dedicated to developing first-in-class and best-in-class therapeutics for major diseases, such as cancer. Lyvgen’s xLinkAb technology could selectively activate specific receptors in the tumor microenvironment, while reducing immune-related adverse effects in the healthy tissue. Currently, the company is focused on developing combination therapy of tumor immune agonist antibody and cancer immunotherapy, in an effort to improve the long-term survival of cancer patients. Lyvgen has out-licensed its anti-PD-1 humanized monoclonal antibody product SSI-361 to Anhui Anke Biotechnology for market development in China.

“We believe Lyvgen presents an investment opportunity with high potential. Its proprietary cross-link antibody platform could solve the toxicity issue in current cancer immunotherapies and enable selective activation of specific groups of receptors. These unique advantages could help the company expand the target and indication for cancer immunotherapy.” Dr. Leon Chen, CEO and Founding Partner of 6 Dimensions Capital, stated, “We believe that under the leadership of Dr. Wang, Lyvgen could develop more efficacious and better tolerated immunotherapies for cancer patients.”

Proceeds from this financing will support the pre-clinical and future clinical studies for several promising immuno-oncology programs in Lyvgen’s pipeline. Lyvgen will also use funding from this round to further expand the capability of its cross-link antibody platform for immunotherapies in more suitable indications. The successful completion of this financing round demonstrated confidence from its investors in Lyvgen’s potential and in its leadership team to deliver value to patients and investors.

6 Dimensions Capital will continue to invest in innovative healthcare technologies to propel the pre-clinical and clinical studies of innovative therapeutics. With investment in this round, we hope to help Lyvgen unleash its potential and develop novel immunotherapies.

About 6 Dimensions Capital

6 Dimensions Capital is a leading healthcare focused investment firm with an in-depth focus and extensive coverage across China and the United States.  It consists of a team of about 40 investment and operation professionals with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Boston, and Palo Alto. The firm currently has US$1.6 billion assets under management through 4 US dollar-denominated and 3 RMB-denominated funds and has cultivated a portfolio of more than 70 companies.

6Dimensions Capital was formed in May 2017 through the merger of Frontline BioVentures and WuXi Healthcare Ventures, two prominent and complementary China-U.S. healthcare investment firms. The merger has created a powerhouse that aims to fund innovation in an optimal position to capture the biggest value appreciation on both sides of the Pacific.

